tengah berjalan nak gi priceline..
"excuse me, do you have a change?" (sambil tunjuk duit 5 dollars)
terkejut jap, "what change?"
"I want coins for the parking"
"oh, I dont think so..let see.." (cuak sebenarnya, kalau pak cik ni jahat camane?kang kena ragut..aku tengok purse..takde coins pastu tengok purse kecik yang lagi satu yang mmg aku isi coins je..semua 20 sen and 50 sen je)
"I dont think I can give you 5 dolars..this is one dollar ..(2 keping 50 sen)..and this 1 dollar ( 5keping 20 sen).."(sambil hulur coins tu)
"I dont have enough 5 dollars, you can take 2 dollars.Dont worry for any change"
"no, no..no..you cant give me free..I need those coins..I give you 5 dollars"
(ish..pakcik ni..malas nak korek coins lagi sebenarnya..)
"no..no..I think I got extra..ok..one dollar (5 keping 20 sen)..another one dollar( 5 keping 20 sen).."
"thats enough..(sambil hulur duit kertas 5 dollars)..take it..thank you so much"
"oh,thank you for the extra one dollar!!!"
pendek cerita : dia bagi 5 dollars saya bagi 4 dollars.
agak2 kalau kat kampung aku sendiri boleh ke nak layan pakcik stop aku tepi jalan sebab nak tukar duit..tak ke bahaya..
I got 1 dollar yesterday and I pray to Allah to bless him with hidayah..insyaallah.
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