Wednesday, November 4, 2009

on a vacation

october 2009 in memory

Salam all.

Third day of Swot Vac (study week).Not studying that much.My stress level seems so-so.Suam suam kuku.The fact still I have too many things to read,apprehend and memorise(oh,to print out my lecture notes!) and what not 2 subjects in one day.Oh well, am I taking this easy?


I am losing focus at the moment I reckon.

so,renew your niat mar!

"mane bleh hilang fokus dlm berjuang" (mak said this yesterday,implicitly)

hmm,what distract me then?

no idea.


Raziana Rozi said...

"hmm, what distract me then?" d sentence...bein so innocent a bit thr :P
anyhow, selalunye tyme2 ni la senng sgt terdistract...all d best! InsyaAllah u'll succeed, amin.

Mardhiyyah Mohd Pauzi,24,female said...

nor,the point is bangat!!

neway,missing u so badly here.

see ya next year!!!

doa kan utk mar kt sini.nor pun sama,semoga sukses selalu n dlm barakah allah taala.good luck !!