I was officially finished exam last thursday.Hopefully I pass all the subjects this semester and smoothly get into my final year!Oh,two more semesters to go.Biochem's paper was the hardest one.I forgot many names of enzymes,a few concepts I couldnt clarify and MCQ questions was tricky.We have been through too many examinations,tests and quizzes (ujian kecil-kecilan) kan?No worries!
Al-an'aam ayat 17,
Translation in BM is rather touched:
"Dan jika Allah menimpakan kemudharatan kepadamu , maka tidak ada yang menghilangkannya melainkan Dia sendiri.Dan jika Dia mendatangkan kebaikan kepadamu, maka Dia Maha Kuasa atas tiap tiap sesuatu"
We are special.We have Allah and we can make doa each seconds.=))
My flight to Malaysia is less than 24 hours. And important thing to note when travelling is : make doa a lot.Doa orang bermusafir (dengan tujuan baik) sangat special and dont forget to do solat as well.
Coming back already? haha welcome home.
welcome home!
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